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Home Overview Navicat for MariaDB database management tool software
Navicat for MariaDB database management tool software
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Navicat for MariaDB database management tool software截图 Navicat for MariaDB database management tool software截图 Navicat for MariaDB database management tool software截图 Navicat for MariaDB database management tool software截图 Navicat for MariaDB database management tool software截图 Navicat for MariaDB database management tool software截图
Navicat for MariaDB database management tool software
Navicat for MariaDB provides a native environment for MariaDB database management and development, which can connect to local or remote MariaDB servers and is compatible with Amazon RDS and Tencent Cloud. Navicat for MariaDB supports most additional features, such as a new storage engine, microseconds, virtual columns, etc.
Non Commercial Standard Enterprise
1 Year Perpetual
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Navicat for MariaDB database management tool software

Navicat for MariaDB database management tool software

Non commercial -1 year subscription
Non Commercial - Permanent License
Standard Edition -1 year subscription
Standard Edition - Permanent License
Enterprise Edition -1 year subscription
Enterprise Edition - Permanent License
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Navicat for MariaDB provides a native environment for MariaDB database management and development, which can connect to local or remote MariaDB servers and is compatible with Amazon RDS and Tencent Cloud. Navicat for MariaDB supports most additional features, such as new storage engines, microseconds, virtual columns, and more.

Seamless data migration

Data transmission, data synchronization, and structural synchronization allow you to easily and quickly migrate data at low cost. Provide detailed guidelines for transferring data between various databases. Compare and synchronize the data and structure of the database. It only takes a few seconds to set up and deploy comparisons, and obtain detailed scripts for the changes you want to run.

Diversified operation tools

The import wizard can transfer data in different formats to a database, or set up a data source connection and use ODBC for transmission. The data of tables, views, or query results can be exported to formats such as Excel, Access, CSV, etc. Use a data table style grid view and a series of data editing tools to add, modify, and delete records, making it easy for you to edit data. Navicat provides you with the tools you need to effectively manage data and ensure smooth progress.

Simple SQL editing

Visual SQL creation tools help you create, edit, and run SQL statements without worrying about syntax and correct command usage. By suggesting keywords and reducing repetitive input of the same code, automatic completion of code and custom code snippet functions can make coding faster.

Intelligent Database Designer

Create, modify, and manage all database objects using our professional object designer. Precise database design and model creation tools can transform the database into graphical representation, allowing you to easily create models, create and understand complex databases.

Data visualization tool

The chart function allows you to create large datasets in a visual representation and helps you gain deeper insights from the data. Explore and discover patterns, trends, and relationships between data, and create effective visual output of your findings for sharing on the dashboard.

Enhancing productivity

A powerful local backup or restore solution can guide you through the entire backup process and reduce the chances of errors occurring. Automatically run at a specific time or date for repeatable deployment processes such as database backup and script execution. No matter where you are, you can always get things done.

Data visualization tool

The chart function allows you to create large datasets in a visual representation and helps you gain deeper insights from the data. Explore and discover patterns, trends, and relationships between data, and create effective visual output of your findings for sharing on the dashboard.

Enhancing productivity

A powerful local backup or restore solution can guide you through the entire backup process and reduce the chances of errors occurring. Automatically run at a specific time or date for repeatable deployment processes such as database backup and script execution. No matter where you are, you can always get things done.

Collaborative cooperation is more convenient

Sync your connection settings, models, queries, and virtual groups to our Navicat Cloud service so you can access them in real-time and share them with colleagues anytime, anywhere. With Navicat Cloud, you can utilize every minute to maximize your productivity.

Advanced Secure Connection

Create secure connections through SSH channels and SSL, ensuring that each connection is secure, stable, and reliable. We support different authentication methods for database servers, such as PAM authentication. Navicat provides more verification mechanisms and high-performance environments, so you no longer need to worry about connecting using an insecure network.

Cross platform license

Now you can use cross platform licenses in Navicat. Whether running on Windows, macOS, or Linux, you can purchase once and choose the platform you want to activate. In the future, you can transfer the license to another platform for use.

Dark Mode

Set a dark background theme to protect your eyes from the traditional dazzling white color of the computer. In dark mode, the appearance of the page does not change any behavior.

Navicat for MariaDB database management tool software LOGO

Official website:https://www.navicat.com.cn/products/navicat-for-mariadb

Download Center:https://navicat-for-mariadb.apsgo.cn

Backup Download:N/A

Delivery time:Manual shipping

Operating platform:Windows、macOS、Linux

Interface language:Supports Chinese interface display.

Update instructions:The subscription version has unlimited updates, while the permanent version only supports small version updates.

Pre purchase trial:Free version with limited functionality before purchase.

How to receive the goods:After purchase, the activation information will be sent to the email address at the time of placing the order, and the corresponding product activation code can be viewed in the personal center, My Orders.

Number of devices:Can install 1 computer.

Replacing the computer:Uninstall the original computer and activate the new computer.

Activation guidance:To be added.

Special instructions:To be added.

Reference materials:https://www.navicat.com.cn/products/navicat-for-mariadb

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